Sunday, July 6, 2014

New news and old ...

Hey folks !
Another long gap I'm afraid, in the blog, sorry 'bout that.
Real life has been pulling me hard lately.
Been having drama with doctors, hospitals, clerks, family. Whew. 
As I've said before, this Solstice really messed people up, and it's only NOW finally getting back to normal !

So hey. We survived another 4th of July. Good job.Went to town in the morning, saw all the people getting ready for the festivities and parade, then had to go so missed it all. It was a fairly nice day too ! Finally for only the 2nd time ever it was a nice cool day, so, I pretty much regretted not going. HOWEVER:

There is something my friends always remind me of which I believe also.
That if you're "paying attention" to your gut and Higher Intelligence, and/or The Tao, The Way, the Light, will avoid trouble in your life. So when things come up like this, when we miss an appointment or are late, we should remember this, and realize we are protected.

Getting even more followers and views to the Blog. Appreciate it folks. Hope I can be a source of inspiration and entertainment for you all.

Remember to check in with my main site, and check back often as changes are happening to it weekly if not daily.

Peace !

Stop Arresting Smokers

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